Qigong - Fly Hands Level 2
This exercise builds on the Fly Hands exercise and is a wonderful way to open up the joints of the spine and the shoulders.
To start the repetition, stand with the feet wider than hip distance apart. Your hips should be back as if starting to sit down in a chair. Your knees should be bent but not extending past the toes. Keep your back in a neutral spine and not rounded.
Keeping your feet flat on the floor, rotate your torso to the right side, leading with the hips. Simultaneously, swing your left arm straight up in front of you and swing your right arm straight up behind you. At the same time, move your hips slightly forward as you straighten the knees. Your torso should rise a few inches. Keep your head facing forward.
At the height of the movement, rotate your hips back to center and return your arms and legs to the starting position.
To finish the repetition, rotate your torso to the left side, leading with the hips. Simultaneously, swing your right arm straight up in front of you and swing your left arm straight up behind you. At the same time, move your hips slightly forward as you straighten the knees. Your torso should rise a few inches. Keep your head facing forward.
At the height of the movement, rotate your hips back to center and return your arms and legs to the starting position.
Keep alternating from side to side in a continuous movement without stopping.
The arms should feel loose and light, like a rag doll. The momentum of the torso rotation and knee bends should make your arms feel like they are flying through the air.
You can also download a free metronome app, and set it for about 55-65 bpm. Set a timer for 1-3 minutes and rotate your torso to one side with each beat of the metronome. A typical dragon boat race will last under 3 minutes, so you can practice experiencing the number of torso rotations that you make in an actual race. You may feel quite invigorated after doing this for 3 minutes!